September 29, 2013

Kyle Henson's Story...

This week on the First Thoughts Blog, we will be sharing some of the stories of FUMCR staff members and what led them to ministry.  For some it was a gentle nudging, for others it was one memorable moment, friend or colleague.  Join us as we explore a call to ministry!

This submission is by Kyle Henson, the worship leader for the ACCESS Contemporary Worship Community.

When I was studying percussion at SMU, I was playing drums for a young adults service at First United Methodist Church Carrollton. It was during that time that I felt God calling me to lead worship. The only problem was, I didn't know how to play guitar, and that's sort of what worship leaders did. Luckily I started living with a guy named Eric Czechowski that happened to be pretty good at guitar. So over the last 2 years I was in college, I practiced and learned how to play. In a small way, that experience made real for me the phrase "God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called."

(This is a photo of Eric & I while striving to get better!)

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